by Christine Serfozo | Sep 7, 2023 | Portrait
There are a lot of photography myths out there, from what’s the best lighting to how easy or hard this work is and more. A lot of worries people have about their photos and how they’ll turn out are based in some of these myths. So here we are, coming to...
by Christine Serfozo | Aug 23, 2023 | Portrait
Have you ever been at some multigenerational event, like a wedding or a funeral, and some cousin, whom you actually really like, says “why do we only ever get together for weddings and funerals?!” And then you all make plans to see each other more but...
by Christine Serfozo | Aug 9, 2023 | Portrait
Is there anyone who hasn’t looked at a photo of themselves after the fact and just, well, grimaced a bit (or even outright moaned?!)? Like, we thought we were smiling but we were making some weird freaking face that could never be called a smile? Do you,...
by Christine Serfozo | Jul 27, 2023 | Portrait
Because I can’t be following you around 24/7 (I know…bummer…), I like to help you to capture important-to-you moments the best that you can. And since so many of us are using our phones as our primary cameras, I thought reviewing some helpful phone...
by Christine Serfozo | Jul 5, 2023 | Portrait
Beyond weddings, senior portraits, and family portraits, there really are more reasons to hire a professional photographer. Now everyone takes photos these days, and our phones have great freaking cameras, for sure. But there’s still nothing like an actual...
by Christine Serfozo | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog, Personal, Portrait
Because I can’t follow you around 24/7 (and who would really want that?), I figure some tips for great selfies could be helpful for those of you who aren’t actual celebrities. So what’s a professional photographer doing writing about freaking...